How is it that so many precious humans cannot see this light within themselves? So many doubt their worth and their grandness? Could it be because we believe we are separate from God, when we are not? That we are bodies when we are not? How did that idea of separation occur?
The Course in Miracles speaks of how humans forgot to laugh at the moment the idea of separation entered our minds. It also speaks of how the separation never occurred, meaning it is impossible to undo what God created since it is eternal and changeless. It is impossible for us to be separate from God for we are all pieces of the whole... what a concept!
The ancients knew this innately. They lived and breathed the sacred breath of life with a full awareness that they carried the Love and Light of the Creator within. They taught it to their children so they would know their incredible worth... and their children laughed and laughed. They were clear and free and healthy and without worry. They knew they were loved and precious. And eternal. The elders would speak to them of how when they leave their bodies they would return to the Spirit World. They would return to their Star Family, the ones they would connect to each night, as they gazed at the stars and felt their love.
My Ancestors guide me to teach others to tell their children when they are born, these words:
You are Magnificent.
You were born Magnificent.
You carry the Love and Light of the Creator within you... That is your Magnificence.
They then say to tell others how to place their hands on their heart centers from which this light and love emanates, and say these words to ourselves... daily, until we feel our connection again:
I am Magnificent.
I was born Magnificent.
I carry the Love and Light of the Creator within me... This is my Magnificence.
They say if we were to do this, we would create a consciousness among humans that corrects our thinking and honors our worth as pieces of God. The Ancestors have answers that are simple and solutions that work because they think like God. They know of the Light and Love within.