Even though this travel occurred in 2013, the powerful things that happened live in my heart today. This is one of them...
Arriving on the bus at the site of the rescue of the 33 Miners in Chile was one that I feel profoundly in my heart. The energy of compassion was thick and I wept before the bus even came to a stop. The first thing I saw was the 33 flags on the hill - all but one was from Chile - the other was a Bolivian flag. Each represented the country of the miners. I could feel how significant this was, as I learned there was sometimes conflict between these two countries. Clearly something had changed.
What I want to share most of all was meeting the four miners who were there to greet us. They did not speak English and I did not speak Spanish. I greeted each one with deep respect and gratitude for what they had done, for it generated a grand energy of compassion on Earth as 1.2 billion people witnessed a tragedy - turned to a victory, filled with joy. I choke up now even as I write this, for as I recalled staring deep into the eyes of these precious men, I felt their pain and their joy and their fears and their hopes all in one. As my eyes welled up with tears I couldn’t hold back, so did theirs, one by one, as I held their hands and loved them. I will never forget it.
At the shrine built to honor them and the memory of what they have created for humanity, was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, who I learned they prayed to while they were trapped in the mine. With a humble heart I placed a piece of lava rock I brought from Lemuria at her feet, as guided by my Ancestors. On the ground just below the statue was a rock that was clearly meant for me... a gift I treasure. It is my prayer that this simple story will touch your hearts, as it did mine.
If you would like to see the video of this visit please click here.