The Master of Love
Oct. 5th, 2006
By Kahuna Kaleiilaihi
Message from the Master of Love:
Your heart always knows the right answers to every problem because your heart is the home of love. And love is always the answer. If you take love into everything that you think, say and do, use that powerful energy, the ego would fade away. You have an investment in the ego still for part of your mind still believe it can be right and happy even though there be no energy of love present in your experience. Therefore know this; Only love is real...and the mind cannot be split from God. So all thoughts that are not loving are not real...therefore they have no power except that which your ego pretends to give it. Remember all power is of God and Heaven is your real home where your perfect happiness and contentment lies. And both are in your heart. If you were to make every decision from your heart you would always experience the love and God and be peaceful.
The ego is very clever in having you think you can "process" something in your mind and then tells you your mind is separate from God because conflict exists there. But since only loving thoughts are real and your happiness and God's love remain unchanged by the ego's mad thinking...only God's thoughts are real...and they are always, always, always, loving. It is impossible for God to have an unloving thought. Your ego would have you think otherwise. Do not accord your little ego the "power" to decide for God for you.
Your heart has all the correct answers in any situation. Trust your is where the love of God abides and the Holy Spirit who is the Voice for God.
As you build greater light your power increases. Your power is love. The ego is fearful of this love for it is the only power there is and would shine the ego away in a single holy instant. The holy instant is the moment you have allowed the Holy Spirit within you to make your decisions. The Holy Spirit will not allow a child of God to suffer in confusion nor remain in the pain of separation from love. Since the Holy Spirit knows this is impossible and also that the little ego is very skilled in having you believe your suffering is real and justified, instead sings softly in your heart. For it knows in your first real break from your ego's chatter, you will hear the Voice for God whispering this one simple truth: Only Love is Real. God is Love. You are God.
All power in earth and heaven is yours in your LOVE. Choose love. Whenever there is conflict and the ego mind insists on going on and on in it's endless chatter to justify itself, choose one simple loving thought...and you will become instantly free. Oh holy child of God, it is the will of God and yours as God's child...that you be happy. When you choose to be happy verses being right, you will have found your way home to God. There is no greater peace than the love of God can give you. It is your right. And so it is.