June 24, 2006
5:40 am
by Kahuna Kaleiiliahi
Greetings to You Beloved Daughter of the Moon (name given Kaleiiliahi)
You are honored for your commitment to serve All That Is and We are standing with you in this holy instant in deep gratitude to you for being the messenger.
And now Sarah, the Beloved of my Heart, will speak from her childlike innocence comes forth her guidance for Humanity:
Always remember the child within, the Source of the Joy that Humanity is so in need of ...
Always remember the the laugher that carries the heart to places like no other thing can. The Path is one of pure Joy and it comes from the Child within.
The key to the happiness Humanity seeks is the Joy that comes from the Child within. This is your connection to God... and God is all there is.
Remember to keep yourselves childlike and filled with wonder. There are many more things yet to be discovered about the Human Heart that will heal the Human Body of all its illnesses and it comes from the Joy and the Laughter radiated from the Child within. This produces chemicals like nothing else that rejuvenates the cells and creates a longer life in addition to healing the unbalanced cells.
Follow the path of Joy and of Laughter and it will take you into the realm of mystery and magic and miracles. Only the Good of God awaits Human Hearts that are ready to receive
its blessings. The Blessings are for all who's Hearts are open... Open your hearts and show others how to do the same so that Humanity will be one Human Heart filled with childlike Joy and Laughter.
The Path to God is through the Child within... herein lies all your dreams fulfilled. Laugh more. Find the Joy in all the things your childlike heart sees. See from the eyes of your childlike heart.
These are joyful times. Do not focus on the "bad" things "out there", But rather on the "good things" of your inner being, found in your childlike Heart.
There is so much more than meets the eye. See the World thru the eyes of the child within...
Be still and know YOU are God.
Beloved Children of God,
You are all dearly loved,
I AM Sarah